Sunday 27 January 2013

I Do Not Recall Posting This

My name is Jacob Saunders and I am twenty one years old.
I woke up yesterday, and I was sitting on a chair with my laptop open. I was curious, because I didn’t remember writing anything. I had a look.
I found this blog, titled Assignment Report, with the caption of ‘MONARCH Proxy’. It sounds like a very interesting little story, and I’m not sure how I could have written it. I have very little writing talent, after all. All my English teachers used to put me to the bottom of the class, just because I was originally French and had problems with English.
Those days are behind me now; I can read, write and speak English almost as fluently as a native while still retaining my mothertongue French. See how I refer to it as French now, rather than Français? I really have been over in this cold, rainy island for too long.
If I am sleepwriting, or otherwise writing in my sleep, I think I will keep my laptop on at all times. Who knows, I could be the next J. K. Rowling while asleep!
Wait. I’m not a touch typist. How could I have typed while asleep?
Oh, it’s just one of those things. Science will answer it one day. They probably have already. 

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